Sunday, February 19, 2012

cumulus inc, melbourne, australia

who'd have thought that cumulus inc would have a good brunch crowd.  it doesn't have the waiting times of the outer city establishments, but its food is just as good and rivals cumulus' own dinner menu.  we arrived at around 10.00am on a sunday and easily found free on street parking (1 hour).

for breakfast, we had two dishes. the first was grilled lyonaisse sausages with beans and a poached egg.  the second was the cumulus inc breakfast, consisting of a boiled egg, toast with three preserves, berry yoghurt, organic orange juice and a coffee.  this came to a rescession proof price of $17.60.

if you aren't able to get into cumulus inc for dinner (no bookings unless you get the big table of 7), sunday brunch is a good substitute.

you can find other reviews of cumulus inc here:
almost always ravenous
gourmet traveller australia
time out magazine

Cumulus Inc. on Urbanspoon

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